5 Tips To Deal With Seasonal Unemployment


What is seasonal unemployment?

When we talk about seasonal unemployment, we are referring to a situation of forced unemployment that usually occurs at certain times of the year such as Christmas or summer in certain areas or industrial sectors.

Seasonality tends to be more common in sectors such as commerce, hospitality and tourism . This is due to the great difference in demand that exists at different times of the year. Generally, as we have already mentioned, summer and Christmas tend to be periods of greater activity, in which employment opportunities grow, while on other dates the opposite happens.

Examples of Seasonal Unemployment

Seasonal unemployment can be experienced in different jobs and sectors such as agriculture, hospitality or tourism. It is closely linked to those activities that are carried out only in a certain season of the year. Here are some examples of seasonal jobs:

  • Lifeguard: in the summer season more lifeguards are hired for beaches and swimming pools than in winter.
  • Waiter: if it is a tourist city, it is very common to reinforce the staff during the summer months in order to offer an optimal service.
  • Dependent: in the Christmas season the volume of sales increases, so it is necessary to have more people in the commercial establishments.
  • Farmers or collectors: depending on the time of year, more or less labor will be needed to collect the product.

How to combat seasonal unemployment?

If you work in a seasonal environment, you must prepare yourself to face the challenge that its fluctuations entail. Turning this situation into an opportunity depends on you, which is why we give you five tips to improve your employability in times of temporary inactivity . Take note!

1. Acquire new knowledge

Knowledge does not occupy a place, and today the range of training options is very wide, especially through online resources (courses, webinars, podcasts, blogs) that allow you to learn and learn in a simple, self-taught and highly personalized way.

2. Keep a schedule and a routine

In a period of inactivity at work, it is normal for you to be tempted to let yourself be carried away by laziness, since you do not have obligations in terms of schedules. This practice harms your productivity when it comes to training or looking for a job, because it makes your organization difficult. It can also demoralize you, if at the end of the day you realize that you have not completed all the objectives that you had set for yourself.

For all these reasons, it is essential that you establish a daily routine that allows you to create habits. This does not mean that all your days should be the same, it is good that the activities vary, but if you always get up at the same time and assign yourself a calendar of tasks (registration for offers, follow-up, training, etc.), it will be much more easy to organize and achieve your goals.

3. Update your CV

You probably think that your resume is fine like this and it works for you, but the reality is that it can always be improved and updated. Details such as skipping a small course or a brief work experience can be decisive in your selection processes, so it is essential that you get the most out of your CV.

Regarding the content, it is not only important that you keep it up to date in terms of your skills and experience, but it is also advisable that you prepare several versions that adapt to each type of offer you request. You will increase your chances!

The design is no less important, because it helps you present the information in a more attractive and easy way for the reader to assimilate. You should spend time looking for ideas to improve it. In most cases, employers make the first decision immediately, so your resume must be prepared to pass the six-second filter .

4. Start a personal project

Surely you have thought of a project that you would like to develop , but you have discarded the idea because you did not have enough time. A period of work inactivity can help you eliminate that excuse and launch yourself into making it happen.

It is an occupation that you choose and, therefore, you will find it attractive and motivating. At the same time, it will keep you active and gain tools and experience that will help improve your employability. What project can you choose?

  • A podcast: the available technology means that it is no longer necessary to have a radio studio for a quality recording. If you are better at speaking than writing, you can record a short program and give it visibility on the net.
  • A YouTube channel: if you like the camera, it is also a good option to record your videos and upload them to this popular platform to gain visibility.
  • A blog: if you like to write and have something to tell, you don’t need more to create your own digital space and generate interesting content. In addition, it will serve to enrich your personal brand.
  • An online store: one way to turn a hobby into a small source of income is to create a website and sell products that you make (clothes, accessories, soaps, sweets, etc.).

5. Continue with your job searches

The job search should be the central axis of your activities , and here it is also good that you maintain an organization. Create a plan with your strategy (areas you are going to focus on, search tools and channels, etc.). You can create a monitoring table of your applications to check the status of all at a glance and keep everything under control.

Also, you need to stay on top of trends and see where the opportunities lie . As a result of the health crisis, new jobs have emerged, such as: mask producers, Covid-19 trackers or temperature controllers, among others.

Also Read: What Do You Need To Know To Become Self-employed?

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